i feel better

Struntar i skolan och tittar på mumin istället. Fladdrar runt. Vill öla på någon uteservering i solen men SMHI säger att det ska börja regna om en halvtimme. De senaste dagarna har det snarare varit höst än vår. Vill att kanin ska vakna. Koncentrerar mig på att inte haka upp mig på småsaker. Mår rätt så bra.

Meningen som ringer om och om igen i mitt huvud: nothing is wasted and life is worth living.

nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.nothing is wasted and life is worth living.

Det är så det är.


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